The questions were provided by yours truly and if you so desire you can read my answers here. To highlight the answers of other contributors, I submit the following:

The first question dealt with future scheduling in light of the recent changes involving Georgia Tech announced last week.

Opinions varied widely on this with most liking the more traditional teams. Todd liked the idea of a revenge game against LA – Monroe.

The second question asked about favorite Tide players from this past year moving up on our own sentimental lists.

Like me Capstone Report couldn’t get enough of Ro. Todd made room in his heart for everyone’s favorite defensive lineman, Terrance Cody. Kurtz, from 3SIB loved Ingram, but not enough to let him overtake Bobby Humphrey. And Alabama Man Dance from the superb Tower of Bammer went back a year to show Rashad Johnson his propers.

The third question asked about conference expansion who you’d pick to become the new pledge class.

Yet again there was a mixed bag of responses for expansion, with about half going for and half against. Everyone’s reasons are as complex as the problem is but there was pretty good agreement with the teams involved: Georgia Tech, Florida State, Texas and Oklahoma plus a few odd teams that fit due to either geography or prestige. There was also consensus that if anybody had to go it should be the Gamecocks and the Razorbacks.

Next’s years chances for success or failure for our two biggest rivals was the subject for the fourth question and there was universal agreement on the ineptitude of our friends to the north. The committee seems to think that Auburn’s chances for success are somewhat bearish based mostly on last year’s performance and their untested quarterback. To quote TJ of Tower of Bammer, “Yeah, yeah, Cam Newton is the real deal, you say. I prefer to make those sorts of judgements after he plays a few games and not base my opinions on players off of whatever youtube videos the barners have been jerking off to.”

Finally we discussed who we thought the biggest surprise in the conference would be:

Roll Bama Roll: Ole Miss will be surprisingly good, if only because Houston Nutt’s teams are always best when no one is paying any attention.  I’m not saying they are going to challenge for the division or anything, but another Cotton Bowl (or other New Year’s Day Bowl) appearance isn’t that far fetched either.

Tower of Bammer:

Alabama ManDance: The officiating! I think it is going to be even worse. And I think the bitching about it is going to reach a fucking fever pitch. Mike Slive is going to have to publicly execute one of those sons-a-bitches, and it won’t even help. Babies will get called for holding, every play will be a unsportsmanlike taunting, and kicking wedge violations will get called on field goals. So many flags will fly it will block out the sun! And you know what? Football will still be fun to watch, people will still get cancer, and bacon will still make you fat and taste good as shit.

TJ: For the 1st time in 5 years, the SEC will not have a team in the BCS Championship Game. The party has to end sometime, right? I have a feeling that the old spectre of SEC attrition will return with a vengeance. Nobody makes it out unscathed and we get to watch Boise State vs Ohio State. Sucks, huh?

Third Saturday in Blogtober: I think Mississippi State has a big year and LSU implodes.

Capstone Report:I believe Georgia is going to be a pleasant surprise this year. Sure, everyone always expects Georgia to be good. And they will be. What I think will be most surprising is that Georgia and Mark Richt will correct the discipline problems and the concentration issues that have plagued the team over the last few years. This means I expect fewer penalties and improved cohesion on the team—that should mean a better chances to win the big games.

Thanks to everyone for participating. We’ll see you on the next addition.